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Privacy Policy

You can find details about our privacy policy below...

Our Privacy Policy

This privacy agreement provides information about how personal information collected by [] (“Our Site”) is processed, protected and used.

1. Personal Information Collected

Our site may collect personal information such as users' names, e-mail addresses and telephone numbers for communication purposes only. This information may be used to provide the services offered by our Site more effectively. It is never shared with third party institutions or individuals.

2. Protection of Personal Information

Our site takes the necessary precautions to protect the personal information collected. In this context, the collected information is stored on 256-bit security certified servers. However, no full assurance can be given regarding the security of communications made over the internet.

3. Cookies

Our Site uses cookies to improve user experience and better understand our Site. These cookies are small files saved in the user's browser. Users can reject cookies or receive notifications by changing their browser settings.

4. Processing Time

Our site uses the collected personal information only for communication purposes, and the duration of processing this information is limited to fulfilling the communication purpose.

5. User Rights

Our site respects users' right to manage their personal information. Users may request correction, deletion or objection to the processing of their personal information. Users can also obtain information about how their personal information is used.

6. Changes

Our site has the right to change this privacy agreement at any time. Changes will be published on our Site.

7. Communication

For any questions regarding the Privacy Agreement , you can contact us at .

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