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Plump, coarse-grained,
and uniquely delicious blueberries


Why blueberries?

Blueberries have many health benefits

Anthocyanin, which gives blueberries their dark blue color, helps to remove free radicals from the blood and thus protects the body against many diseases. Blueberries also help control cholesterol levels with their rich antioxidant content.


It also reduces the risk of heart disease by lowering blood pressure. In addition to flavonoids such as anthocyanins, it supports the transport of oxygen to cells with its high vitamin C and E content, prevents the spread of bacteria and viruses, thus strengthening the immune system. Its antioxidant components improve memory and reduce the risk of age-related cognitive diseases. Regulates blood sugar. Blueberries are a good source of dietary fiber, aid digestion and regulate intestinal health.


About us

A taste you've never tasted

We are working as a family to grow the largest and most delicious blueberries in a valley adjacent to the forest, with a clean, green nature, without heavy industry around, and softening the harsh winds of the Black Sea...

Fresh Blueberries
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Our products

We grow select varieties from Fall Creek Farm & Nursery, serving fruit growers and nurseries worldwide

Top Shelf

Top Shelf® stands out with its very large, tasty, firm fruit. This variety has become a favourite with many growers due to its upright and easy pruning habit. The very large berry size is an important feature of this variety, with consistent quality and fruit uniformity from the beginning to the end of the harvest season. The fruit is very attractive with its flat, large and abundantly flowered light blue berries.


Valor® fruits are very large and
is a customer favorite during field visits. Very young plants of this species withstand low winter temperatures without suffering cold damage. Valor® is more resistant to cold, multi-purpose and will meet the variety needs in the middle of the season in Central and Northern Europe.

Good agriculture for a better world

We believe in good agriculture for a better world and we keep our promise


We fight against weeds, insects and fungi with natural, environmentally friendly methods, and grow our fruits together with our bees, ladybugs and flowers in our fauna...

Blueberry Bush
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